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All team members of Elemental are certified in the Morozko Method to guide you through your first ice bath.

The Morozko Method™ is a meditation practice that helps you to find calm amidst the chaos of life. While practicing in the cold, the power of this mindful meditation carries everywhere in life when you experience extreme stress. Having a certified Morozko Method guide by your side for your first ice bath plunge is incredibly beneficial. Our guides understand the nuances of cold exposure therapy and provide you with the necessary knowledge and support to ensure a safe and effective experience. They offer guidance on proper breathing techniques, mental preparation, and physical cues to help you navigate the intense cold immersion successfully. With their expertise and encouragement, you will feel more confident and prepared to face the challenge of an ice bath plunge and beyond.

 cold plunge and sauna

Founder & Certified Guide


My First Cold Plunge Story

As I led my meditation Zoom class, my attention kept drifting to one participant's video square. "Was that a block of ice? Was David really in an ice bath?" The idea consumed me, igniting a curiosity that I couldn't shake. Everywhere I turned, it seemed like the cold was calling out to me – in podcasts, articles, even during my meditations. It was as if the universe was nudging me towards the ice. After some research, I found the best plunge option and made the call. To my surprise, Adrienne, co-founder of Morozko Forge, answered the phone herself and shared her own journey into the world of cold exposure. Her passion was contagious, and I knew I had to try it. Despite the hefty price tag, I ordered one. On December 18, 2022, it arrived. When Adam, Adrienne's brother and the delivery guy, asked what temperature I wanted it set to, I hesitated. "I've never done this before," I confessed. "What do you recommend?" Without hesitation, he said, "35 degrees. Just dive in, you won't regret it."

The next morning, I stood before the plunge, determined not to back down. Remembering Adrienne's advice, I pulled up a YouTube video of her guided plunge. As her soothing voice filled the air, I immersed myself in the icy water methodically and with intention. My breath caught in my throat as I struggled to find my rhythm, to acclimate to the chill. Every movement felt deliberate, as if I was wading through molasses, my body resisting the numbing cold.  But then, something shifted. Amidst the biting cold, I began to find a sense of clarity, of focus. Everything faded away, and I’m left alone with the steady rhythm of my breath. In this moment, there is only you and the water, locked in a silent dance of resilience and strength.

As I emerged, I felt tears welling in my eyes – tears of triumph and newfound strength. The following day, I did it again and again. Each plunge brought a new revelation – not just physical relief from my carpal tunnel, but a deeper connection to myself. In the discomfort of the cold, I discovered a reservoir of strength and resilience I never knew I possessed. I faced the unknown and emerged victorious. With each plunge, I became more patient, more kind, and more attuned to my own inner power.


About Me

I help people answer the question, “what’s next in this life?” In addition to being a Certified Morozko Method Guide, I am a Certified Facilitator for the Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter, a Miracle Minded Life Coach taught by Marianne Williamson, and a Reiki Master practitioner. I lead transformative retreats from Egypt to Hawaii, Iceland to Guatemala, and elsewhere which help individuals return to themselves and teach them how to begin again.


This is a truly transformational experience. One can expect to discover (or rediscover) their power, remember who they are, and what they are capable of by creating a better relationship with themselves by coming home to themselves. 


My Motto

Evolve. Transform. Grow. Begin Again.

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